Riley, Hewitt, Witte & Romano, P.C.
A Professional Corporation
A World of Experience with Local Trust
Litigation Management
Litigation Management involves complex issues confronting corporations of all sizes in today's business environment. These include multiple suits in multiple jurisdictions: the search for historical data and the evaluation of record retention policies; the discovery of witnesses and the preparation of experts; the selection of competent local counsel, trial counsel and a management team for the litigation; and other issues facing corporations and insurance companies in today's mass tort environment.
The firms that compete with Riley, Hewitt, Witte & Romano, P.C. in the litigation management arena fall into two groups: insurance company "captive" firms offering basic, classic insurance quality services; and, the very large law firms with "one-stop" shopping, promising the latest technology with a high profile, national presence. While both of these groups offer some limited efficiencies, neither offer the direct, personal involvement of a group of lawyers with the broad range of experience like Riley, Hewitt, Witte & Romano, P.C. Even the very large law firms, with their offices all over the world, are unable to match our collective experience in litigation management.
Six of the lawyers at Riley, Hewitt, Witte & Romano, P.C. each have nearly 20 years of experience in managing complex tort litigation on a regional and national basis. We have served clients as regional managers, national coordinating counsel, trial counsel, and consultants. We currently have both national and international clients who utilize our mass tort litigation management capabilities, and we are responsible for thousands of cases currently pending from California to Texas to West Virginia and Illinois.