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Family Law

There is probably no area of the law which touches more lives or is more volatile than those matters which fall under the general rubric of family law. Whether contemplating marriage and seeking a prenuptial agreement or being thrown into the arena of divorce, good legal representation is critical to a satisfactory outcome.


With extensive litigation experience, Riley, Hewitt, Witte and Romano, P.C. can handle all aspects of a family law case from separation to divorce, including support, custody and the equitable distribution of property. The law firm has represented clients through trial and the appeal process in all of these areas. However, because sometimes the very best solution is one that side-steps the litigation process entirely, the option of collaborative representation is available. Through this method, the parties reach a comprehensive settlement with vigorous representation, but without the residual animosity which is often a by-product of court involvement. An atmosphere of mutual respect is maintained and creative solutions can be found and tailored to the parties involved.

© 2025 Riley, Hewitt, Witte & Romano, P.C.

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